Document Drafter Learning

Updating an automated template
In this lesson you will learn how to modify an existing automated template


To update an automated template download the source file from the File Manager. 

If you wish to update a package of documents, download and update one document from the document package at a time, launch it and continue to other files which needs to be updated as well.

Add question

A new question can be added either via the Add question button or by selecting Add question above in the right click menu from an existing question or headline. 

Edit question

  1. Right click on the question you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Modify question text, conditions and question type as appropriate.
  4. Select Save

Move question 

Questions can be dragged and dropped freely within the questionnaire.

If a question is dragged and dropped above a question which contains a condition for the dragged and dropped question, a warning will appear when you launch the template.


Move answer

Answers can be dragged and dropped within a question or moved to another question with predefined answers to serve as answer for such question.

Move headline

A headline can be dragged and dropped freely within the questionnaire.

If you collapse the headline before moving the headline, questions added below the headline will be moved as well.