Document Drafter Learning

The File Manager
This lesson will show you how to perform the most basic file management tasks from the File Manager.

Create a folder

  1. Select the workspace (and if relevant folder) where the new folder shall be created.
  2. Select New folder.
  3. Insert name of the new folder.
  4. Select Create.

Rename folder or template

  1. Select the folder or template which you want to rename.
  2. Select Rename.
  3. Edit the name as appropriate.
  4. Select Save.

Copy template

  1. Select the template which you want to copy.
  2. Select Copy.
  3. Select destination (workspace and folder).
  4. Select Copy here.

Note: You can also use the Copy function to add an identical copy of a template in a package of documents to the document package.

Delete folder or template

  1. Select the folder and/or templates which you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Confirm deletion by selecting Delete.

If a mirror, prefilled document or +separate has been created based on a document in the folder which you wish to delete, you need to delete such related documents to delete those documents.

Move folder or template

  1. Select the folder and/or templates which you want to move.
  2. Select Move.
  3. Select destination (workspace and (if relevant) folder.
  4. Select Move here.

Folders and templates can be moved to other folder on the same level using drag and drop.

Download template

  1. Select the template you wish to download.
  2. Select Download.

If you wish to edit a template in a package of documents you need to select the package of documents to be able to see download the individual files contained in the document package.

Editing content of a mirrored, prefilled or +separate document is done via the original source file. Find the source file using the Info button.

Export questionnaire

  1. Select an Automated document or Package of documents.
  2. Select Export questionnaire.

Export questionnaire function is not available from the individual files in a Package of documents. Move up one level and select the package of document to export questionnaire.