Document Drafter Learning

Suite of documents
This lesson will enable you to automate several documents from one questionnaire.

Add a word document to the automated document package

  1. Open the word file which you want to add.
  2. Click Link to Existing Template.
  3. Select the workspace and a folder where the existing template is stored.
  4. Select the automated template.
  5. Select Link.
  6. Do any automation of the document based on the questionnaire and add additional questions if needed.
  7. When you are done click Launch Template to access the document from the portal.

Make a template in a package of documents conditional

As standard, any template in a package of documents will be included when the user downloads document on the portal.

Making a template conditional enables you to control when the specific template can be retrieved by the user. 

  1. In a linked template, click Make Template Conditional in the Document Drafter ribbon.
  2. Select the answer(s) which need to be chosen in the questionnaire for the template to be sent to the user filling out the questionnaire.
  3. Click Save.

Conditions for a template can be edited by clicking the Make Template Conditional again.

See below how to set or edit conditions from the portal.

Add static file to a suite of documents

Once a package of documents has been created, you can add static files to the document package from the portal.

  1. Select the package of documents from the File Manager.
  2. Select Upload > Files.
  3. Select the file you want to add to the document package.
  4. Select Open

Set or change conditions for automated or static files from the portal

  1. Open a package of documents.
  2. Select the relevant file.
  3. Select Conditions.
  4. Add or change the relevant conditions from the conditions window.
  5. Click Save.