Document Drafter Learning

This lesson will teach you how to automate punctuation etc. which separates automated text.


Separator is a feature which automates punctuation or other text (we call it "separators") that separates different automated elements in a document.

The separator is automated based on whether the individual separator is the last, the second last or any previous separator.  

Creating a separator

  1. Click on the dropdown menu next to Add question and select Add separator.
  2. Insert the text that will work as the three separators you wish to use in the document, or leave a field empty, if appropriate.
  3. Select Add.

Note that linebreaks can be added by inserting lb in the separator and pagebreaks can be added by inserting pb.


Link seperator in document - not part of repeated text

As a separator can be used multiple times in a document, you need to define which one is the first and which are the following.

Link first separator 

  1. Place the cursors where you wish to add the separator.
  2. Right click on the relevant separator.
  3. Select Link first.

Link other separators

  1. Place the cursors where you wish to add the separator.
  2. Right click on the relevant separator.
  3. Select Link following


Link seperator in document - part of repeated text

When a separator is linked as part of a repeat it will automatically determine which separator is the last, second last and any other separator. Therefore, always link a separator within a repeat using Link first.

Link separator 

  1. Place the cursors where you wish to add the separator.
  2. Right click on the relevant separator.
  3. Select Link first.

Edit separator

  1. From the questionnaire pane under the Separators tab right click on the relevant separator and select Edit.
  2. Change the separators as appropriate and select Save.

Change a linked separator

To change a separator that was linked using Insert first

  1. Right click on the separator.
  2. Select Continue separator.

To change a separator that was linked using Insert following

  1. Right click on the separator.
  2. Select Restart separator.


Unlink separator

  1. Place cursor in the linked separator.
  2. From the questionnaire pane under the Separators tab right click on the relevant separator and select Unlink.

Delete separator

  1. Right click on the separator which you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete separator.
  3. Select Yes.