Document Drafter Learning

Making a document in a suite of documents available separately
This lesson will show you how to use the +separate function to make a template in a package of documents avaliable as a separate automated template.


When a package of documents has been created, you can use the +Separate function to make individual documents from the document package available to users together with a questionnaire that only contains the questions which are relevant for the specific template. 


Create +Separate

  1. Open the File manager.
  2. Open a package of documents.
  3. Select the linked template which you want to make available separately.
  4. Select +Separate.
  5. Select destination for the separate template.
  6. If relevant, make any pre-selections in the questionnaire, answer questions and/or hide questions or answers.
  7. Select Save.

Edit +Separate questionnaire

  1. Select the +Separate document.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Edit the relevant pre-selections in the questionnaire, answer questions and - if relevant - hide questions or answers.
  4. Select Save.

Find relation between automated template and +Separate document

Identifying the automated template which a +Separate document based upon is useful when updating automated templates. 

  1. Select the +Separate document.
  2. Select Info.

The automated template and its location will be shown under the Info button.

Correspondingly, any +Separate documents based on an automated template can be identified.

  1. Select the automated template.
  2. Select Info.