Document Drafter Learning

Link to questions or hyperlink
This lesson will show you to use data provided in earlier questions by the end user in later questions to ease the navigation. In addition, it is illustrated how to insert hyperlinks to external webpages.

Key take aways

  • Links to text inserted previously in the questionnaire (e.g. the actual name of any listed party) can be inserted in questions or headlines to ease navigation.
  • Links to external webpages can be integrated as hyperlinks to ease the end users access hereto.

Time codes

  • End user perspective: 00:01 – 00:49
  • Inserting hyperlinks to external webpages: 00:49 – 01:39
  • Inserting links to data provided in earlier questions: 01:39 – 2:20

Add link to external webpages in the questionnaire

  1. Place the curser in the text where you want to insert the URL (works for headlines, questions and notes.
  2. Click the link button
  3. For questions, make sure the menu at the top is set to “URL”
  4. Type the URL
  5. Type “name” text to be placed in the text.
  6. Click "Save"

Add datafield links to questions

  1. Place the curser in the text where you want data input in questionnaire to be inserted.
  2. Click the link button
  3. Make sure the menu at the top is set to “Text field link”
  4. Select datafield question
  5. Add a place holder text
  6. Click Save