Document Drafter Learning

Building questionaires and automating documents
This lesson will show you the basic functionality of the Document Drafter and enable you to start automating documents.

Open the questionnaire window

  1. Open a Word document.
  2. Select Document Drafter in the top ribbon.
  3. Select Open Questionnaire.

Create a free text input question

  1. Select Add question from the questionnaire pane.
  2. Insert question text in the box.
  3. Below the box select that the question will be answered with free text input.
  4. Select Save.

To insert a question above an existing question, right click on the existing question and select Add question above

Create a question with predefined answers

  1. Select Add question from the questionnaire pane.
  2. Insert question text in the box.
  3. Below the box select that the question will have predefined answers.
  4. Insert the relevant answer(s) for the question.
  5. To add additional answers, select Add Answer.
  6. To remove answers, select the X next to the answer. 
  7. Select Save.

To insert a question above an existing question, right click on the existing question and select Add question above

Create headline

  1. Right click on an existing question or headline.
  2. Select Add headline above.
  3. Select Level 1 or Level 2 as appropriate.
  4. Select Save.

You can afterwards change the size of the headline by a right-click on the headline and select Make this a level one headline or Make this a level two headline as appropriate.

Rename headline

  1. Right click on the headline you wish to edit.
  2. Select Rename headline.
  3. Edit the headline.
  4. Select Save.

Automate existing text

By adding a link between text and an answer in the questionnaire, the text will only be included in the downloaded document if the specific answer is chosen.

  1. Select text in the document.
  2. Right click on the relevant answer.
  3. Select Link

Change automation of existing text

Automation can be edited to create link to another answer and you can remove previous automation.

Edit automation

  1. To edit the automation right click anywhere in the text which is linked to an answer.
  2. Select Edit link.
  3. Change conditions for the text to appear in the downloaded document.
  4. Select Save.

Remove automation of existing text

Automation of text can be removed in two ways:

  1. Right click anywhere in the text which you wish to unlink.
  2. Select Unlink.
  1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text which you wish to unlink.
  2. Right click on the answer which it is linked to and select Unlink.

Insert free text input field

User input in free text input fields can be inserted in one or multiple places in a document (or multiple documents in a package of documents).

  1. Place the cursor in the document where you would like text inserted in the free text input field to be inserted.
  2. Right click on the question.
  3. Select Link

Remove free text input field

Free text input fields can be removed from the document in two ways:

  1. Right click on the [DATA] field in the document.
  2. Select Unlink


  1. Mark the [DATA] field in the document.
  2. Delete the field as you would delete any ordinary text.

Launch the template to the portal

To access any automation work done from the add-in, you need to launch the automated template to the portal.

First time you launch

  1. Make sure the template is saved locally.
  2. If it is the first time you try to launch a template insert url of your document drafter portal (e.g.
  3. Select Launch Template.
  4. Select the workspace and folder where you want the template to be stored.
  5. Insert file name. 
  6. Select Save.

Next time you launch

  1. Select Launch Template.
  2. Select Replace existing template or Create new template as appropriate.